Conservative Dental Treatments
Conservative treatment; It is a form of treatment that repairs the loss of substance that occurs due to caries or other reasons in the hard tissues of the teeth and restores the function and aesthetics it has lost to the patient.
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When the teeth are not brushed enough, a layer of bacteria forms on the tooth surface. These bacteria digest food residues in the mouth (bread, crackers, chips, chocolate, sugary foods such as sugar) to provide acid formation. These acids dissolve the hard tissues of the tooth (enamel and dentin) and form caries. Over time, tooth decay progresses, causing cavities, and these cavities never heal on their own. If left untreated, they grow and cause serious substance loss in the tooth.
Acids constantly attack the surface of the tooth. Elements such as saliva and fluoride strengthen the teeth and delay the formation of caries. Saliva tries to strengthen the teeth against caries by depositing the minerals it contains on the tooth surface. Also, fluoride in drinking water and toothpastes strengthens teeth against caries.
Conservative dental treatments are operative treatments in the mouth that can be seen with the naked eye and concern the enamel and dentin parts of the teeth. In these treatments, after caries or the parts that have been damaged due to other reasons are cleaned and removed with special high-tech devices used in dentistry, the remaining living and solid tissues are isolated with special insulating materials and the process is completed by restoring with fillers in order to imitate the structure of the natural tooth. Although many substances have been tried as permanent fillers, amalgam (metallic) and composite (white) fillings are used most commonly today.
Amalgam dolgular gümüş dolgular olarak da tanımlanır. Amalgam; gümüş, kalay ve bakır alaşımının, cıva ile karıştırılması ile elde edilir. Karışımın %45-50’sini oluşturan cıva, metalleri birbirine bağlayarak dayanıklı bir dolgu malzemesi yaratmış olur. Amalgam dolgular diş hekimliğinde 150 yıldan beri geliştirilerek halen sıklıkla kullanılmaktadır. Amalgam dolguların tercih edilmesinin en büyük nedenleri ise; zararsız, uzun ömürlü ve ucuz bir dolgu maddesi olmasıdır. Bunun yanı sıra uygulamasının kolay ve kısa zamanda yapılabilmesi da diğer avantajlarındandır.
It is a plastic mixture with silicon dioxide particles inside. They are defined as white fillings because they are in tooth color. Although they were used only in the front teeth in the 1960s, they can be successfully applied to the back teeth as a less abrasive filler that is resistant to chewing pressures with the advanced development of the material.
If new caries are detected under or on the edge of amalgam fillings, they can be replaced with composite (white) fillings.
Composite fillings, which were not applied in the past because of not being strong on posterior teeth, have been developed today and have been made as strong as amalgam fillings. Composite fillings are now used frequently and safely in the front and back areas, depending on the need.